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NYSANA President, Giovanna Mahar, testifies at the NY assembly Public Hearing on the Impact of COVID-19 on the Delivery of Health Care and the Health Care Workforce

Last Wednesday, November 17, 2021, NYSANA President, Giovanna Mahar, took to the court room to testify in a Committee Hearing at the New York State Assembly about "Lessons Learned During the COVID-19 Pandemic." The Committee was interested in assessing the lessons learned during the pandemic, including the appropriateness of Executive Orders issued by the Governor during the declared emergency period as it relates to access to health care and training requirements of health care workers. Giovanna speaks upon the unnecessary restrictions placed on CRNAs and the significance of Executive Order 4, originally issued during the height of the pandemic by former Governor Cuomo. The order suspends the health code to remove the supervision requirements for advanced practice registered nurses with a doctorate or master’s degree specializing in the administration of anesthesia. This allows for CRNAs to have full scope of practice utilization and assists in patient care and staffing workload. Giovanna continues on to discuss the important role of CRNAs and the need for a formal scope of practice in New York State.

Watch Giovanna's full testimony here.

Power & Politics

Watch NYSANA President Yana Krmic on News12 Westchester's Power & Politics with Scott McGee. Yana
explains how CRNA's stepped up to meet the challenges of the pandemic by practicing independently and to the full extent of their education, as authorized by Governor Andrew Cuomo’sexecutive order. The value of CRNAs at this critical time cannot be underestimated. NYSANA is continuing to advocate for legislation in New York state to make these emergency changes permanent.

NYSANA Twitter: Governor Cuomo has extended his Executive Order through April 20, 2021

Governor Cuomo has extended his Executive Order through April 20, 2021, allowing CRNAs to practice independently under the current State of Emergency as it relates to COVID-19.

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CRNAs in New York Stepped Up During COVID-19

Responses from a Member Survey Revealed the Countless Ways CRNAs Across New York Stepped Up During COVID-19 When Governor Cuomo Removed Unnecessary Practice Barriers

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Video: Realizing the Full Potential of CRNAs During the Pandemic

Health Care Workforce Reform: COVID-19 Spotlights Need for Changes to Clinician Licensing

The COVID-19 pandemic has made clear that government licensing of health professionals blocks access to care. Licensing gives state politicians the final word on allowable categories of clinicians, the education and training requirements for each category, and the range of services each category of clinician may perform. It reduces access to health services by increasing prices and reducing the supply of clinicians who can provide those services. It harms health professionals by preventing them from providing services they are competent to provide and by preventing capable individuals from entering or rising within health professions. By suspending such rules to improve access to care for COVID-19 patients, states have acknowledged that licensing prevents clinicians from providing services they are competent to provide.

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“It Was Like Going to War”: CRNA Shares Experience of Working in NYC During Pandemic

When Jeremy Carlisle, CRNA, from Springfield, Ore., to New York City, he was struck by how few people were on his flight. “Maybe there were 15 of us on a 200-seat airplane.” Carlisle, a member of the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists (AANA), was on his way to serve on the COVID-19 frontlines of care.

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Coronavirus on the frontlines: A Williamsburg nurse’s experience in NYC

After Katherine “Katy” Dean was furloughed in March and could not find a job in her field, she found herself applying for a position in New York City at the height of the coronavirus pandemic.

“There were a lot of CRNA (Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist) that were in the same kind of predicament I was in,” she said. “They were part-time people who weren’t working but also kind of felt called to do something.”

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Army CRNA Uses Ingenuity and Perseverance to Save Lives in New York

U.S. Army Major Timothy Yourk, DNP, CRNA, was given 24-hour notice to gather gear and equipment before his deployment with the 11 Field Hospital (1 Medical Brigade) from Fort Hood, Texas, to New York City in March.

“At the time, very little was known. I didn’t know what equipment or supplies I would be falling in on,” said Yourk who, during his 15-year tenure in the Army, has been deployed to Iraq, Kuwait, and Yemen. Upon his arrival in New York, however, it was apparent to Yourk and his team of CRNAs that they were embarking on a “completely unprecedented” mission—one that would require “flexibility and adaptability in a rapidly changing environment,” while safely and effectively caring for COVID-19 patients, he said.

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New York CRNAs use 3-D printers to create hospital supply chain

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr. Michael Greco’s team focused on treating patients in operating rooms or outpatient surgery suites. “Our days have changed significantly,” said Greco, Ph.D., DMP, CRNA. As Assistant Vice President for the Nurse Anesthesia Practice at Northwell Hospital--New York’s largest healthcare system serving New York City, Long Island, and Westchester—all of Greco’s facilities have CRNA teams managing COVID-19 patients—in an innovative way.  

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Trump Administration Makes Sweeping Regulatory Changes to Help U.S. Healthcare System Address COVID-19 Patient Surge

At President Trump’s direction, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) today is issuing an unprecedented array of temporary regulatory waivers and new rules to equip the American healthcare system with maximum flexibility to respond to the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. CMS sets and enforces essential quality and safety standards for the nation’s healthcare system, and is the nation’s largest health insurer serving more than 140 million Americans through Medicare, Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program, and Federal Exchanges.

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