Dear Members,
NYSANA held its annual meeting on September 30, 2023. 48 voting members attended and approved ten bylaws amendments. Members can review these updates here. The current bylaws can be found on the NYSANA website.
The newly-elected board was installed at the end of the Annual Meeting. Due to the resignation of President-elect Kara Hedman, our newly-elected Vice President Mark Blazey moved directly into the President's role.
The new board voted to appoint Michael Cogan as interim Vice President to replace the position now vacated by Mark. David Monahan, NYSANA’s outgoing Secretary, was appointed to fill Michael Cogan's role as NYSANA Treasurer for the remainder of the term, which will expire in Fall 2024.
As an appointed officer, Michael Cogan will not move directly into the presidency role in fall 2024. Rather, the members will vote for the Vice President in the next election cycle. Similarly, David Monahan will serve as interim Treasurer for one year. When the ballot opens for 2024-2025, the members will then also vote for a Treasurer in the next election cycle. Mark Blazey will remain as President for 2 years.
The Board of Directors would like to thank Mark Blazey for transitioning into the role of NYSANA President so quickly. Mark will be supported by Past Presidents Sean McGarry and Giovanna Mahar, as well as the entire Board of Directors. We wish Kara Hedman well and welcome her to run again and serve the state in the future. She will be missed!
A list of board members can be found on the NYSANA website. Please reach out to any board member with questions.