Are You Ready to Pass Our Legislation? Let's "Get It Through in '22"
NYSANA Colleagues:
It is an honor to serve the 2021-2022 term as your president. I look forward to meeting and working with as many of you as possible this year. Your board is a geographically diverse group that will assist in engagement and ask for involvement from you.
Legislative Update
On September 27, 2021, New York State Governor Kathy Hochul declared a state of emergency based on the healthcare staffing shortage and issued Executive Order 4. It was announced on October 27 that Executive Order 4 has been extended until November 26, 2021. This order suspends the health code to remove the supervision requirements for advanced practice registered nurses with a doctorate or master’s degree specializing in the administration of anesthesia. Does this sound familiar? This executive order is consistent with the previous directives as issued by former Governor Cuomo during the height of the pandemic. We now have two governors that have recognized the importance of the entire health care team. Let's build off that momentum to remind and encourage our facilities to follow the suggestions of the Governor’s executive order. Tensions are high and morale is low, full scope of practice utilization can assist in patient care and staffing workload. We are working to establish relationships with the Governor’s team and to continue to discuss the important role of CRNAs and the need for a formal scope of practice in New York State.
2021 - 2022 Goals
I have two main goals:
1. Passing our legislation, or as I like to say "Get it through in '22."
2. Engage the membership.
In my humble opinion, these two goals go hand in hand, and they involve YOU. Despite the opportunities, COVID-19 provided our profession, we’ve fallen short of our previous goals. This needs to speak to every one of us! This displays that despite the environment being ripe for change, change will not occur unless we become bigger and louder. This means that change starts with us, the NYSANA membership. So, let’s stand together and advocate for what we know we deserve, for what is long overdue and what has already been done in 49 other states. Help protect your profession and your practice!
Below are immediate steps NYSANA encourages you to take to get involved and advocate for your profession.
Read Bill S5435
In order to successfully advocate for your profession, you have to know and understand what we are fighting for as an organization. Start by reading Bill S5435. If you have any questions regarding the bill, please reach out to Chair of the Government Relations Committee, Amy Harbeck.
Private Facebook Group For NYSANA Members and Close Supporters
Watch your email in the coming weeks for an invitation to join NYSANA's members and supporters only, Facebook Group. This group will provide a platform for NYSANA members to network with your peers, learn how to advocate for your profession, and engage with your state organization in a more personal way.
How to Talk to Your Legislators Training
Throughout the months of November and December, myself and NYSANA Lobbyist, Amy Kellogg will be traveling to each Educational District to conduct interactive trainings on "How to talk to your legislators." We will be sending out more information include dates, times and locations of these trainings in the following weeks.
CRNA Nurse Anesthesia PAC Fund
As NYSANA gears up for 2022, the NYSANA PAC is committed to supporting the advocacy of CRNAs across New York State. It is essential to have a robust PAC in order to let our voices be heard in a greater capacity. There has never before been a better time to pledge and donate! PAC is looking for CRNAs from around the state to lead fundraising teams in our upcoming efforts. Please contact Stephanie Grolemund, PAC Chair for more details at [email protected] If you are not able to donate your time to the association, please consider donating money in any amount at Donate to the PAC
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to act as your President and spokesperson. I will work hard to encourage engagement and Get it through in ‘22! We can and we will do this - it’s time!
Giovanna Mahar, DNAP, CRNA
President, NYSANA