Inside Edition Interviews NYSANA Past President, Yana Krmic, and AANA President, Dina Velocci, on Burnout from Healthcare Workers as a Result of COVID-19
Inside Edition goes in-depth on healthcare worker burnout in their latest article, "Plagued With COVID-Related PTSD and Burnout, the Healthcare Worker's Vocation to Help Endures Even 2 Years On". Yana Krmic, NYSANA Immediate Past President, and Dina Velocci, AANA President, share their experiences on worker burnout and the impact COVID-19 has had on healthcare workers.
The AANA offers support, information, and helpful resources through their Peer Assistance program. Learn more here or call their helpline at 800-654-5167.
“You’re used to providing anesthesia care and saying to patients in the pre-op area, ‘I’ll give you something to go to sleep. You’re going to wake up, I’ll see you in the recovery room,’” nurse anesthetist Yana Krmic told Inside Edition Digital. Krmic was also the previous president of the New York State Association of Nurse Anesthetists. “Now, [you're] giving them the same anesthetics and realizing that you don’t know if they’re going to wake up.”
Watch the video and read the full article from Inside Edition here.