CRNAs offer caring and compassion paired with years of training in anesthesia.
People who enter the nursing profession are compassionate and caring. Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) start out as Registered Nurses and advance through many years of training and experience to also become experts in delivering safe, high-quality anesthesia care with the same caring and compassion you've come to expect from those who serve the nursing profession.
Nurses are trained to serve patients. Nurses take time to get to know patients and their needs. Nurses hold your hand and look into your eyes – they understand the wide range of emotions you may be feeling before delivering your first baby, ahead of your knee replacement, coming out of an emergency procedure.
Your CRNA is by your side, watching over you at every breath when you need them most.

Jennifer Wallenhorst experienced this care firsthand when her CRNA responded with life-saving care and measures after an emergency c-section. Read on.

Becky Rautenstrauch is thankful for the unprecedented level of trust, care & compassion she felt from her CRNA. Read her story here.

Dr. Adbul Chaudry, a gastroenterologist in Warsaw, NY, has been in practice for over 40 years and working alongside CRNAs for 15 of those years. Read more here.
These same nurses deserve not only your gratitude, but your support. They were put to the test during the pandemic, when they put their skill and compassion into action to provide critical care to patients suffering from COVID 19. Their specific training in airway management and ventilation put them on the front lines.
Despite their invaluable service, CRNAs are not recognized in New York. This affects the cost of healthcare and limits access to quality care, especially for patients in rural areas of New York state.
The good news is there’s a simple solution. CRNAs are championing a bill in New York that, when passed, will recognize CRNAs and expand the work they are allowed to do. This means high quality, affordable and accessible care for New Yorkers.
The more people who care about CRNAs the same way they have so passionately cared for you, the greater the chance they have of getting the recognition they so greatly deserve as advanced practice registered nurses.